The burial place of Soviet soldiers of the Second World War contains the graves of 158 Soviet soldiers who died on 4 October 1944. 145 are known and 13 are unknown. In 1951, a monument was erected in the centre of the site, a concrete slab with a bas-relief of a soldier shouting the call to attack on one side. At the bottom is a red granite slab with the inscription "AMŽINA ATMINTIS / KRITUSIEMS TARYBINIAMS KARIAMS / 1941-1945" in russian. On the other side of the monument are bas-reliefs of the 'Order of the Fatherland' and the 'Victory Crown'. There are 33 concrete tombstones with inscribed red granite memorial plaques with the names of the fallen in russian. In the eastern part of the site, on the right side of the main path, there is a memorial stone with a metal plaque bearing the inscription "98 ŠAULIŲ PULKO 10 ŠAULIŲ DIVIZIJOS / KAREIVIAMS IR VADAMS ŽUVUSIEMS / 1941 M. BIRŽELIO 23 D. GINANT RIETAVĄ." in both Lithuanian and russian.